EBITA and EBITDA 12 months ending
Addtech Group, SEKm 30 Sep 2019* 31 Mar 2019 30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018 31 Mar 2017
Operating profit (EBIT) 1,082 910 786 701 604
Amortization, intangible assets (+) 192 175 155 137 111
EBITA 1,274 1,085 941 838 715
Depreciation, tangible assets (+) 55 52 47 43 40
EBITDA 1,329 1,137 988 881 755
Working capital and return on working capital (P/WC) 12 months ending
Addtech Group, SEKm 30 Sep 2019* 31 Mar 2019 30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018 31 Mar 2017
EBITA (12 months rolling) 1,274 1,085 941 838 715
Inventory, yearly average (+) 1,482 1,304 1,155 1,037 941
Accounts receivables, yearly average (+) 1,725 1,542 1,368 1,231 1,043
Accounts payables, yearly average (-) 940 817 732 677 622
Working capital (average) 2,267 2,029 1,791 1,591 1,362
Return on working capital (R/RK) (%) 56% 53% 53% 53% 53%
Acquired- and organic growth
3 months 6 months 12 months
Addtech Group 30 Sep 2019 30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2019 30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2019 31 Mar 2019
Acquired growth (SEKm,%) 182 (8%) 276 (15%) 438 (9%) 468 (12%) 969 (11%) 999 (12%)
Organic growth (SEKm,%) 389 (17%) 93 (5%) 672 (14%) 264 (7%) 1,311 (15%) 903 (11%)
Divestments (SEKm,%) -20 (-1%) -8 (0%) -57 (-1%) -29 (-1%) -93 (-1%) -65 (-1%)
Exchange rate effect (SEKm,%) 28 (1%) 85 (4%) 65 (2%) 159 (4%) 195 (2%) 289 (4%)
Total growth (SEKm,%) 579 (25%) 446 (24%) 1,118 (24%) 862 (22%) 2,382 (27%) 2,126 (26%)
Interest coverage ratio 12 months ending
Addtech Group, SEKm 30 Sep 2019* 31 Mar 2019 30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018 31 Mar 2017
Profit after financial items 1,034 865 741 665 580
Interest expenses and bank charges (+) 44 41 36 31 25
Total 1,078 906 777 696 605
Interest coverage ratio 24.5 22.1 21.6 22.7 23.9
Net debt excl. pensions and net debt, excl pensions/equity ratio 12 months ending
Addtech Group, SEKm 30 Sep 2019* 30 Sep 2019** 31 Mar 2019 30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018 31 Mar 2017
Financial net debt 2,917 2,341 1,960 2,205 1,405 1,011
Pensions (-) -374 -374 -260 -252 -229 -210
Net debt excluding pensions 2,543 1,967 1,700 1,953 1,176 801
Equity 2,627 2,629 2,520 2,150 2,131 1,741
Net debt to Equity ratio (excluding pensions) 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.5
Capital employed and return on capital employed 12 months ending
Addtech Group, SEKm 30 Sep 2019* 30 Sep 2019** 31 Mar 2019 30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018 31 Mar 2017
Profit after financial items 1,034 1,034 865 741 665 580
Financial expenses (+) 66 66 62 76 71 39
Profit after financial items plus financial expenses 1,100 1,100 927 817 736 619
Total assets, yearly average (+) 7,233 7,012 6,324 5,638 4,996 4,143
Non-interest-bearing liabilities, yearly average (-) -1,771 -1,771 -1,604 -1,439 -1,319 -1,167
Non-interest-bearing provisions, yearly average (-) -393 -393 -378 -357 -335 -268
Capital employed 5,069 4,848 4,342 3,842 3,342 2,708
Return on capital employed, % 22% 23% 21% 21% 22% 23%
*Performance based figures for rolling 12 months in the income statement exclude the effect of IFRS 16 in order to provide a fair picture in relation to the comparative period
**Performance based figures for rolling 12 months in the income statement as well as the figures in the balance sheet exclude the effect of IFRS 16 in order to provide a fair picture in relation to the comparative period

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